

The Internet is For Porn

¿Para qué se utiliza realmente internet?

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube
Kate: Finally! I get to teach a whole lesson all by myself! And I’m gonna teach something relevant, something modern – the Internet!
Kate: The internet is really, really great
Trekkie: For porn
Kate: I got a fast connection so I don’t have to wait
Trekkie: For porn
Kate: There’s always some new site
Trekkie: For porn
Kate: I browse all day and night
Trekkie: For porn
Kate: It’s like I’m surfing at the speed of light
Trekkie: For porn
Kate: Trekkie!
Trekkie: The internet is for porn
Kate: Trekkie…
Trekkie: The internet is for porn
Kate: What are you doing?
Trekkie: Why you think the net was born? Porn, porn, porn
Kate: Trekkie
Trekkie: Hello Kate Monster
Kate: You are ruining my song
Trekkie: Oh me sorry, me no mean to
Kate: Well, you wouldn’t mind being quiet please for a minute so I can finish?
Trekkie: Okie dokie
Kate: Good!
Kate: I’m glad we have this new technology
Trekkie: For porn
Kate: Which gives us untold opportunity
Trekkie: For porn …Oops sorry
Kate: From your own desktop
Trekkie: For-
Kate: You can research, browse and shop
Kate: Until you’ve had enough and you’re ready to stop
Trekkie: For porn
Kate: Trekkie!
Trekkie: The internet is for porn
Kate: No
Trekkie: The internet is for porn
Kate: Trekkie
Trekkie: Me up all night honking me horn to porn, porn, porn
Kate: That’s gross! You’re a pervert
Trekkie: Ah, sticks and stones, Kate Monster
Kate: No really, you’re a pervert. Normal people don’t sit at home and look at porn on the internet
Trekkie: Oh?
Kate: What?
Trekkie: You have no idea! Ready, normal people?
Rod: Ready!
Brian: Ready!
Gary: Ready!
Guys: The internet is for porn
Rod: Sorry Kate
Guys: The internet is for porn
Rod: I masturbate
Trekkie: All these guys unzip their flies for
Guys: Porn, porn, porn
Kate: The internet is not for porn!
Guys: Porn, porn-
Kate: Hold on a second!
Trekkie: Why?
Kate: Now I happen know for a fact that you, Rod, check you portfolio and trade stocks online
Rod: That’s correct
Kate: And Brian, you buy things on Amazon.com
Brian: Sure
Kate: And Gary, you keep selling your possessions on eBay
Gary: Yes I do!
Kate: And Princeton, you sent me that sweet online birthday card
Princeton: True
Trekkie: Oh, but Kate, what you think he do after? Hmm?
Princeton: Yeah…
Kate: Eeewww!
Guys: The internet is for porn
Kate: Gross!
Guys: The internet is for porn
Kate: I hate porn
Trekkie: Grab your dick and doubleclick for
Guys: Porn, porn, porn
Kate: I hate you men
Guys: Porn,
Kate: Im leaving!
Guys: Porn,
Kate: I hate the internet
Guys: The internet is for, the internet is for, THE INTERNET IS FOR PORN!

Categorías: Chistes, Música, Videos

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