
Some sort of lid blew off, and I lost the last few pieces of the spurious muddle-through optimism that had been sustaining me for the previous few years. Like most depressions that plague people who have been more fortunate than most, I was ashamed of mine because there appeared to be no convincing cause for it; I just felt as though I had come off the rails somewhere.

I had no idea at what point this might have happened. Indeed, I wasn’t even sure which rails these were. I had loads of friends, including girlfriends, I was in work, I was in regular contact with all the members of my immediate family, I had suffered no bereavements, I had somewhere to live … I was still on all the tracks that I could think of; so what, precisely, was the nature of the derailment? All I know is that I felt, inexplicably, unlucky, cursed in some way that would not be immediately apparent to anyone without a job or a lover or a family. I knew myself to be doomed to a life of dissatisfactions: my talents, whatever they were, would go permanently unrecognised, my relationships wrecked by circumstances entirely beyond my control. And because I knew this beyond any doubt, then there was simply no point in attempting to rectify the situation by looking for work that would stimulate me, or for a personal life that would make me happy.

Oler El Vino

Estupendo cuento de Lucas Varela que me pasó Matías. Si tienen un ratito, no dejen de leerlo. No es corto, pero es espectacular, te engancha desde el principio: Oler el vino.

Lectura Indispensable

Estuve poniéndome al día terminando de leer todos esos posts que, por largos, voy dejando para «más adelante», y tras leerlos, como suele pasar con los textos largos, me encontré con varios geniales, de los cuáles quiero destacar dos. Primero, Día de Picnic, un hermoso relato de Gabriux, y segundo, Vos No Me Juzgues Ni Me Condenes, una crítica a quienes critican de parte de Fabio, con la que me sentí muy identificado.


Esto es sólo para aquellos que utilizan WordPress y tuvieron que pelearse alguna vez con el formato que da este CMS tras postear (en especial con los paragraphs y line-breaks). NeoEGM sacó el plugin WP-No-Format. A diferencia de los que andan dando vuelta, este no sólo no lo hace para todos los posts sino que además te deja aplicarlo a partes de un post. Genial.


I’m an idealist. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.
O, en castellano: Soy un idealista. No sé adónde voy, pero estoy en camino.
Una gran frase para describirme desde hace ya varias semanas.

Vía I Can Read

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